Abundant nature
The nature in Czechia is simply abundant. No less than 34% of the country is pure forest. On the world ranking of most forested countries, this percentage puts Czechia next to Canada.
In Czechia there are four National parks (Czech: národní park, abbreviated as NP). They are large areas that consist of natural ecosystems or ecosystems little affected by human activities and where flora and fauna thrive. These National parks have a unique scientific and educational importance on an international or national level.
Apart from the National parks there are currently 26 Protected Landscape Areas (Czech: chráněná krajinná oblast, abbreviated as CHKO). These are large areas of harmonic landscape with a typical relief, with a considerable share of natural forest and permanent grassy ecosystems. There can also be preserved human settlement monuments (such as log cabins etc.).
All these nature areas are easy to reach and explore. Take your time to unwind and feel the stress relieving power of the Czech nature.

Some of the best nature in Czechia
- Krkonoše (NP)
- Podyjí (NP)
- Šumava, the Bohemian forest (NP)
- České Švýcarsko, Bohemian Switzerland (NP)
- Český ráj, the Bohemian Paradise (CHKO)
- Beskydy (CHKO)
- Moravský kras, Moravian karst (CHKO)
- Orlické hory, the Eagle mountains (CHKO)
- Jizerské hory, the Izera mountains (CHKO)
- Jeseníky, the Ash mountains (CHKO)
- Žd'árské Vrchy, the Žd'ar highlands (CHKO)
- Pálava, the Pavlov highlands (CHKO)

Switzerland in Czechia?
Is there a part of Switzerland situated within Czechia? No, the name of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park (České Švýcarsko) is accredited to two Swiss painters whom this landscape reminded of their beautiful home country.
The history of this region in North Bohemia goes back millions of years when from the sandy bottom of a shallow sea, a wondrous world of sandstone rock towers, bridges, gates and quaint stone formations was born. The result today is an unspoiled nature park full of romantic rivers, overwhelming rock towns, dreamy valleys and picturesque villages.
The ‘pièce de résistance’ is without any doubt the Pravčická gate, the largest natural rock gate in Europe. This majestic sixteen meters high and twenty-seven meters spanning rock bridge is an incredible sight to see and a serious contender for the list of the world wonders.
With more than 700 square kilometres of space, České Švýcarsko is also a true hiking and cycling paradise. Cyclists will enjoy the romantic banks of the Elbe river, while hikers can make trips to hidden gorges and overwhelming viewpoints.
Did you know?
Some of the ‘younger’ additions to the Protected Landscape Area list include the Iron Mountains (Železné hory), the Upper Palatine Forest (Český les), the sandstone Broumov area (Broumovsko) and the Brdy range of hills near Prague.
Apart from National Parks and Nature Protected Landscape Areas, Czechia also is home to National Nature Reserves, National Nature Monuments, Nature Parks, Notable Landscape Features and Specially Protected Species of Plants and Animals.
It is no exaggeration to state that Czechia is a genuine garden of Eden in the heart of Europe!

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