Cultural and natural heritage within easy reach

Czechia ranks among the countries with the greatest concentration of world heritage sites. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (short UNESCO) lists no less than twelve Czech architectonic sights and historic centres , six biosphere reserves , one geopark and seven cultural traditions (folk dance and ride, falconry, carnival, puppetry, blueprint textile technique and Christmas tree decorations from blown glass beads). That’s what we call cultural and natural heritage within easy reach!

In recent years, Czechia celebrated two new additions to the UNESCO World Heritage List. In 2019 the Ore Mountains Mining Region received that honor and in 2021 the West Bohemian spa triangle was awarded.

Because of the high concentration, the different UNESCO sites are situated relatively close to each other . The most remote sites are a mere 300 kilometers apart. So it is very easy and rewarding to link these sites during a cultural and natural heritage sightseeing trip.

The best way to move around Czechia is by rental car . The roads are good and you don’t have to drive long hours to reach your next destination. To visit the most important cultural sites, count at least ten days. If you want to throw in some nature sites, then we advice a fourteen day trip.

Pálava - © Míklin Jan
Olomouc horni namesti - © Libor Sváček
Česky Raj, Hrubá Skála castle - © Václav Bacovský
Masopust, the Czech carnival - © Lukáš Žentel

The UNESCO cultural sites

Czech UNESCO treasures - © Visit Czech Republic

Stunning natural heritage

Czechia is a very green country. Almost 35% of its surface is covered with forests. No surprise then that six areas in Czechia received the UNESCO status of biosphere reserve.

These regions are the Giant Mountains (Czech: Krkonoše), the Třeboňsko area, the Křivoklátsko area, the Bohemian Forest (Czech: Šumava), the White Carpathians (Czech: Bílé Karpaty) and Lower Morava (Czech: Dolní Morava).

The Bohemian Paradise (Czech: Český ráj) received the status of global UNESCO geopark. All these areas are not only valuable natural ecosystems, but they also show the harmonious relationship between the environment and the people living there.

Did you know?

Czechia is such a culturally and naturally rich country that no less than 15 other sites and areas are striving to be to the World Heritage List as well. The contenders can be found on the National Tentative List.

This list is very diverse. You will find among others the rock sculptures near Kuks, the Ještěd mountain-top hotel and view tower, the medieval Karlštejn castle, the horse farm at Kladruby nad Labem, the industrial heritage at Ostrava, Renaissance houses in Slavonice, the paper mill in Velké Losiny, the hop processing in Žatec, the fishpond network in the Trebon Basin, The fortress of Terezín, and the rock cities in Bohemian Paradise.

These wonderful and less well known sites are a great extension to your UNESCO round trip.

Karlštejn Castle - © Ladislav Renner
The view tower and hotel of Ještěd - © UPVISION
The stud farm in Kladruby nad Labem - © Jakub Kynčl
Třeboň pond system - © UPVISION

Start planning your UNESCO holiday now!

Fill in our contact form and we will reply to you as soon as possible. To speed the process up, we kindly ask you to specify:

  • the number of travellers
  • how many adults, how many children
  • what kind of accommodation you would prefer (hotel, cottage, room type(s), etc.) 
  • the period/month of the year you want to travel in
  • any other specific wishes
